Take the following test or get everyone on your team to do it too…and compare results Scoring Key: 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent). Put a number from 1 to 6 in each box.

  Direction Setting Mission, goals not articulated, not describable. Lack of distinct identity with customers and other stakeholders - Much activity but disappointing achievement. Direction setting processes from mission and vision down to individual objectives - Built into planning system, ensuring participation of and communication with appropriate individuals and groups.
  Organization Structure Decisions take too long - Formal structure is bypassed - Work falls between the cracks; coordination between groups is difficult. Design of a structure that creates advantages most needed while ensuring that any disadvantages are understood and managed.
  Roles and Responsibilities Customers, employees can't get answers - Overlap and confusion about who makes a decision - Interdepartmental conflict - Over-reliance on task forces and committees. Facilitate negotiation of roles and responsibilities to clarify them for people both inside and outside the group - Ensure clear alignment to organization's strategy.
  Confronting Difficult Issues Conflict is avoided or suppressed - Same problems continue to arise - Communication deteriorates - Bosses only told what they want to hear. Alter management systems and processes to ensure that issues are visible and can't be avoided - Skill development in conflict management.
  Rewards and Reinforcement Dissonance between what management says it values and what employees see being rewarded - Over-emphasis on financial rewards . Culture which undermines product or service commitments. Identify contradictory messages and practices - Align reward systems and management behavior with stated organization strategy and goals.
  Control and Measurement Planning, budgeting, objective- setting, appraisal seen as chores - Not used as tools for communication, focusing effort, making decisions, solving problems. Link planning, budgeting and direction-setting systems - Education and training on performance management - Institutionalize periodic management review and use of data yielded by measurement systems.
  Leadership Employees lack confidence in management - believe no one is at the helm - Insufficient courage and risk-taking by management, especially at the top. Design/ redesign of infrastructure which creates culture; e.g. reward system, performance management, direction setting . Executive development linked to organization strategy.
  Balancing Long and Short Term Issues Disagreements, confusion about priorities between groups, levels - Commitment of resources does not result in expected outcomes. Assist in balancing long range planning with day to day operations - Ensure adequate forums for comparing views about priorities - Modify rewards and performance management systems.
  Organizational Learning Using today what worked yesterday, low experimentation with different approaches . Procedures become rigid Develop renewal and review mechanisms that encourage and enable people and groups to benefit from their experience.
  Adaptability to Change Crisis response to unanticipated external pressures and events - Slow response to changed requirements; e.g., competitive, regulatory, ownership, labor, technology. Develop feedback systems to generate awareness of critical external trends . Foster mentality of planning and improvement that looks "out" as well as "in".